Dr. Peter Cruise Elected as Chair of PBC Commission on Ethics
Friday, Mar 06, 2020
At their meeting on Thursday March 5, 2020 the Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics unanimously elected Peter L. Cruise as Commission Chair for a two-year term. He replaces prior Chair Sarah L. Shullman, Esq., who was recently appointed as Judge for the 15th Circuit Court.
Cruise is the Executive Director of the FAU LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy and an Affiliate Associate Professor in the FAU School of Public Administration. Cruise was first appointed to the Commission on Ethics by FAU President John Kelly in March 2018. He is the third FAU Professor to hold a seat on the Commission on Ethics (COE) since 2012.
“It has been an honor to serve as an Ethics Commissioner these past two years, working with a remarkable COE staff and with my fellow Commissioners,” Cruise said. “My predecessor, Judge Sarah Shullman, set a very high bar that will be hard to equal.”
The mission of the Commission on Ethics is to foster integrity in public services, to promote the public’s trust and confidence in that service, and to prevent conflicts between private interests and public duties. The Commission on Ethics enforces the Palm Beach County Ethics Ordinance the Lobbyist Registration Database, and the Post Employment Ordinance. The jurisdiction of the Commission on Ethics extends to any person required to comply with the countywide code of ethics, the county lobbyist registration ordinance, and the county post-employment ordinance, and may further extend to persons or entities required to comply with additional ordinances and regulations duly adopted by other county, local, or municipal government and any commission, bureau, district, or other governmental entity located in Palm Beach County.