Linda Medvin Appointed to Florida’s Commissioner’s Task Force on Holocaust Education
Tuesday, Mar 05, 2024
inda Medvin, director of the Arthur and Emalie Gutterman Family Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education (CHHRE) at Florida Atlantic’s Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, has been appointed to Florida’s Commissioner's Task Force on Holocaust Education, effective February 22, 2024. By her willingness to devote her time and expertise to these endeavors, Medvin will contribute to providing sound guidance to Florida's educators and students.
The Task Force serves as an advisory group to the Commissioner of Education and coordinates Holocaust education activities throughout the state. The Task Force pursues efforts to help teachers, school administrators and other educators identify effective instructional strategies and materials for integrating the Holocaust into K-12 classrooms.
With the strong commitment of its membership, the Task Force will survey the status of Holocaust education; design, encourage and promote the implementation of Holocaust education and awareness; provide programs in all Florida school districts; and coordinate designated events that will provide appropriate memorialization of the Holocaust aligned to required instruction requirements of section 1003.42(2)(g), Florida Statutes, Required instruction, Rule 6A-1.09401 Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C), Student Performance Standards and Rule 6A-1.094124, F.A.C., Required Instruction Planning and Reporting.
For additional information about CHHRE, visit , or contact Linda Medvin at 561-297-2929 or