Spanish Placement Exam
Unless you have never taken Spanish prior to college, you must take the placement exam to determine your proficiency level before registering.
Take one of these Spanish Placement Exams:
A Second-Language Learner of Spanish is someone who grew up in a household or linguistic community where Spanish was not the primary language or one of the primary languages. For example, if you did not speak Spanish in your household, but you spoke English or French (or any other language), this is the right placement exam. In this case, the placement exam will direct you to enroll in SPN 1120/1121/2220/2221/2161/3400 etc. If this is not you, scroll down to the Heritage Learner section.
Placement Exam Instructions:
When you are finished, enroll in the course into which you have tested based on your results. If you place in a different level other than the course in which you are currently enrolled, please drop that course and register in the correct level. Following this scale is essential to ensure optimal language training for your proficiency level and for consistency across students in each class.
Note: If you place into SPN 2220/2221/SPN3400 and experience any problems registering for that class, please e-mail the instructor with your placement results. The instructor’s email is available in the course schedule system. Still need help? Contact Dr. White (, Director, Spanish Basic Language Program.
What is the Spanish Heritage track?
A Heritage Learner of Spanish is someone who grew up in a household or linguistic community where Spanish was the primary language or one of the primary languages, but did not receive formal education in Spanish. If that describes you, take the Heritage Learner placement exam. The placement exam will direct you to enroll in SPN 1340/2161/2341/3343 etc.
Placement Exam Instructions:
Honor Code
Students taking these placement exams:
will not misrepresent their level of linguistic competence
will not use dictionaries, translators or other language materials
will not accept help from anyone while taking this test
will not record any of the test material
will also not offer help to anyone else taking this test
Note: If you are part of the Honors College (Jupiter), please contact Dr. Carmen Cañete Quesada or Nancy Tille-Victorica.