Declare A Spanish Major or minor

Instructions for declaring an LLCL: Spanish Major or Minor:

1) Send an email to Professor Michael Rapoport, with the subject line "Declaring Spanish Major" or "Declaring Spanish Minor." Dr. Rapoport will review the major and minor requirements with you and help you plan what courses to take.  

2)  Declaring a Spanish major: Communicate with your academic advisor on Success Network. To declare your LLCL: Spanish major, make an appointment with LLCL Academic Advisor Anna Anoufrieva - CU 303 - or with the first available advisor and express "I would like to declare a major in LLCL: Spanish."

Increasingly, many students are combining Spanish with another field in a double major, such as Business & Spanish, Biology & Spanish, Communication & Spanish,  Neuroscience - Behavior & Spanish in order to open international possibilities in the student's primary field. To graduate with a double major, students must meet all the requirements for both majors and be sure that academic advisors in both departments are monitoring coursework and progress toward the degree.

Students wishing to change their program of study by changing, adding, or removing a major, concentration, minor and/or certificate must meet with their academic advisor to discuss any implications of doing so.

Contact Your Academic Advisor

3) Declaring a Spanish minor: In order to ensure that the minor appears on your transcript after graduation, you may declare a Spanish minor with any academic advisor and sign your "Application for Degree." Simply log into Success Network, ask for an appointment with the first available advisor and express "I would like to declare a minor in Spanish."

Students wishing to add a minor to their major course of study can do so by earning 15-18 credits/ Minor or 36-37 credits/ Major in Spanish in one of two tracks: Spanish for second-language learners' track or Spanish for Heritage learners' track.