Teaching in Italy

The FAU Italian Program has a collaboration with the High School Network of the Regions of Piedmont and Lombardy to hire American students as teachers of English as a Foreign Language.
FAU Italian Program can nominate students, for a period of 4 to 9 months (300-500 hours), to cover half or all of the academic year (September-June). Recent FAU graduates with a bachelor’s degree (no more than one year from graduation) may apply.
The US student is given an Italian mentor and guide to assist with the cultural adjustment and professional needs.
The US student works a total of 25 hours a week, among classroom activities, class preparation, tutoring, conversation, office consultation, and assistance with possible excursions.
The Lombardy Network SITE Program is a paid internship.
It is important to respect a strict time schedule for this project, because it involves applying for the necessary VISA and permits through the Italian Consulate in Miami. Only serious applicants, because you will be Florida Atlantic University ambassadors .
Click here to read the blog or here to watch a video by our student-teachers.
Richard Leon with his classes in Milan, Castello Sforzesco, 2022-23
- Ongoing. Inquire with Dr. Ilaria Serra, iserra1@bjrujiabj.com