writing in between
Under the coordination of Writer in Residence, Dr. Emanuele Pettener, Writing in Between is the creative expression of the Department of Languages Linguistics and Comparative Literature. It is a place to highlight the different cultures taught in this Department and the artistic works by our students. It reminds of the importance of learning other languages, opening to other cultures, capturing the magic of writing.
Writing in Between includes activities, works and multicultural writings by translators and writers whose artistic essence is made of two or more cultural identities.
Two immigrant writers from Roccarainola meet across the West and the East Coast. Event organized in collaboration with Italian Portland (recording).
Book Club with Italian American author Lou Bruno and his touching memoir The Love of San Demetrio (2023). Adele Bruno designed special bookmarks for FAU Italian Studies.
Works by students
The Italian literary blog "Priamo" published three works from Dr.Pettener's Fall 2019 Italian Writing Workshop:
"Il momento più spaventoso della mia vita" by Sasha Passadore
"Maya del deserto" by Talya Dunleavy
and "Un Natale a Lima" by Rosie Kenna
Interviews with multicultural authors
An interview with John Domini (Rain Taxi, Winter 2008/2009)
An interview with Pier Massimo Forni (Sul Romanzo, 05/06/2013)
An interview with Rick Zullo (Sul Romanzo, 08/21/2013)
Translations by students
In Spring 2023, "The Ilanot Review," based in Israel, published a collaborative students' translation of Patrizio Zurru's "Il barbone in libreria" (from "Endecascivoli," Miraggi, 2021), from Dr. Pettener's class "Reflections/Riflessioni."
The Italian literary magazine "Formicaleone" published 3 poems by Viviani Viviani and their English translations made by Dr. Pettener's students in Fall 2020 class "Love and Lovers": Giovani Americani traducono tre poesie di Viviana Viviani - Formicaleone.
"The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts" published "The Rialto Market", by Emanuele Pettener, translated from Italian by former FAU undergraduate and Master student Zachary Scalzo.
"The Citron Review" published "The Snake", by Emanuele Pettener, translated from Italian by former FAU student Thomas de Angelis.
Reviews of multicultural books