French Minor

French Minor Checklist


Do you want to enhance your studies in a pre-professional field (such as business, accounting, social work, nursing, or pre-law), or in the humanities (such as history, English, philosophy, women’s studies, sociology, political science, or communication)?

Do you want potential employers and graduate schools to be able to verify your advanced knowledge of French?

If so, then the French minor is for you.

Students wishing to add a minor to their major course of study can do so by earning 15-17 credits in French, in one of two tracks: French Language and Culture, or Business French. The minor is an official academic credential that is posted to the student’s FAU transcript upon graduation. Having the minor certifies a student’s academic competency in and exposure to French language and culture, and students who complete the minor are no longer monolingual, but instead skilled in French, and bi-culturally competent.

When and where should you begin a French minor? Students who enter the university with no prior experience in French may register for the French minor immediately after completing FRE 1120 and 1121 (the two-semester sequence used to meet the FAU foreign-language requirement, or minimester option to be completed in one semester). Students already at the Intermediate level can begin the French minor directly. Native speakers begin the French minor at the advanced (3000) level.

Note: Students choosing to take the CLEP (College Level Exam Placement) in French may earn up to 8 college credits (the equivalent of FRE 1120, FRE 1121). The CLEP exam is offered on FAU’s campus, through the Office of Testing and Evaluation (297-3160). If you are thinking of taking the CLEP, you should be aware that credit can be earned retroactively: for example, even if you are already enrolled in a 3000-level French class, you can earn lower-division French credit by then taking the CLEP exam.

For general information on the French minor, or to request a French minor application form, please contact the LLCL Director of Undergraduate Studies (Prof. Michael Rapoport,