Symposium Series

Alan B. and Charna Larkin Symposium on the American Presidency

The Alan B. and Charna Larkin Endowed Fund supports an annual symposium and creates supporting graduate fellowships and undergraduate scholarships for students who demonstrate interest in the American presidency.  The annual Alan B. Larkin Symposium on the American Presidency has a thematic focus, providing distinguished scholars each year with the opportunity to present papers that may be contributed to books, scholarly journals, essays and other prublications.  The Symposium is held each spring semester with the first held in 2007.

The John O'Sullivan Memorial Lectureship

The mission of the John O'Sullivan Memorial Lectureship is to provide students, secondary shool teachers, faculty and public guests with exposure to a distinguished historian of 20th-century American History whose lectureship/presentation broadens and deepens our understanding of the major thematic and conceptual aspects of America's modern history.