student History awards
Students of the Department of History have benefited greatly from the scholarships and other awards made possible by the generous contributions of the donors and alumni. Our current awards are:
History Foundation Award Recipients 2023-2024

Martin and Sylvia Shaw History Scholarship – Monetary awards for a history major based on both academic merit and financial need. The award applies to tuition and fees. Students must enroll for courses at FAU following receipt of this award.
Martin and Sylvia Shaw Award for Best History Essay – A monetary award for the best essay/paper from an undergraduate history major from the previous calendar year.
Percy and Pauline Greenberg Memorial Award in History – A monetary award given to an outstanding graduating senior history major.
Ed and Jean SeGall Memorial Scholarship – A monetary award to a first year history major who has demonstrated both academic excellence and a passion for historical study. Candidates are nominated and interviewed by faculty.
Hugh W. Ripley Prize in History – An monetary award to a student who has demonstrated their library research skills in the Historical Methods or Senior Seminar course during the previous calendar year.
Traci Jill Edelman Memorial Award in History – A monetary award given to an outstanding sophomore or junior history major with academic merit.
Traci Jill Edelman Award in Latin American History – A monetary award for an outstanding paper in a Latin American history course during the previous caldendar year.
Traci Jill Edelman Award in European History – A monetary award for the best undergraduate paper in European history during the previous calendar year.
Traci Jill Edelman Award in the History of Women, Gender or Sexuality – A monetary award for an outstanding undergraduate paper on the history of women, gender or sexuality by a history major during the previous calendar year.
Frances and Milton Levenson Award in Japanese History – A monetary award for the best undergraduate essay/paper in Japanese History during the previous calendar year.
Marvin & Sybil Weiner Spirit of America Travel-Study Award - An award to support research by a history major working on a major research project in early American history or its European and Atlantic World roots. To be determined by relevant History department faculty.
Harold L. Glasser Memorial Award – A monetary award to a history undergraduate or graduate student who demonstrates merit. Preference will be given to support for a student conducting academic research activities related to the Harold L. Glasser Collection, including but not limited to World War II, 20th-century American-Jewish history, business history, and aviation history.
John O’Sullivan Travel-to-Research Grant – A monetary award to support thesis travel for a history graduate student in good academic standing.
Frances Edelman Graduate Teaching Award – A monetary award to a history graduate teaching assistant based on academic achievement and student evaluations.
Traci Jill Edelman Memorial Award for the Best Graduate M.A. Thesis – A monetary award for the best history M.A. thesis during the previous caldendar year.
The Sidney A. Goodman Graduate Stipend Enhancement - A stipend enhancement for two academic years to a meritorious incoming graduate student selected by the Graduate Admissions Committee. Must maintain full-time status, good standing, and a GTA ship. The recipient will be required to make a public research presentation at FAU in their third semester of full-time study (i.e. in their second Fall term).
Award applications can be found here:
National History Honor Society
Majors and non-majors are eligible for membership in FAU's award-winning Xi Omega chapter of the National History Honor Society, Phi Alpha Theta, provided that they meet the following criteria: a minimum GPA of 3.1 in 12 semester hours (4 history courses) and an overall GPA of 3.0 or better.